Redesign of a platform for estimating and analysing real estate properties in Luxembourg

The Luxembourg property market has been very active for many years and prices are constantly changing. While the average national evolution is known, regional and property type developments are much more difficult to determine. Whether buying or selling, the valuation of a property is therefore as crucial as it can be difficult. In addition to the problem of property valuation, the market also lacks transparency in the sense that there is no source of information on the length of time properties remain on the market and the possible adjustment of their sale price.
Houser is a property monitoring and valuation platform that addresses both of these issues. It enables sellers and buyers to estimate a property based on a hedonic valuation model developed with the LISER and it enables the evolution of the prices of properties on the market to be monitored. To this end, Houser identifies and structures portal advertisements such as atHome, and, adding a data analysis layer.
After the takeover of Houser by our client, our objective was to update and optimise the technical and graphic part of the platform.
The objective of the solution :
To provide a platform that allows:
- to accurately estimate a property...
- to follow the evolution of property prices on the market, while comparing the main financial data with similar properties.
Our realisation :
As the first version of the project was not developed and managed by Technology Partner, we had to get acquainted with each technical part in order to be able to meet the customer's requirements.
- Analysis of the existing architecture of the project,
- Partial restructuring of the project
- Migration of certain tools to new technologies,
- Optimisation of the project,
- Redesign of the user interface for the project,
- Graphic redesign according to the customer's mock-ups,
- Testing on the staging environment,
- Deployment of the new version of the project.
Testimonials :
Nous avons fait appel à Linc Technology Partner pour reprendre entièrement la gestion de la plateforme Ils ont donc repris aussi bien les développements que la gestion de projets.
La collaboration est jusqu’à ce jour très professionnelle et efficace et ce que nous apprécions tout particulièrement est que Julien et son équipe sont force de proposition. Ils suggèrent régulièrement des alternatives qui s’avèrent être plus judicieuses (et souvent moins coûteuses) et challengent même parfois nos idées, ce qui nous permet aussi de nous remettre en question et retenir de meilleures solutions. Fondateur, Houser
The technologies used :
- Web Portal:
- ASP.NET Core 3.1,
- React JS 16
- Redux 3, Axios
- Bootstrap
- Data Management:
- PostgreSQL
- Solr
- Calculations and analyses
- Python
- External data recovery
- Java
- Integrations with third party systems
- Mailchimp : newsletters management
- Mandrill
- Hosting / Infrastructure
- Hosted in PAAS on Azure
- Docker, Kubernetes
- RabbitMQ
- Azure Blob Storage
- CI/CD pipeline: Automated deployment in staging and production environments (Azure DevOps)
Learn more about the DevOps approach and the CI/CD pipeline